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Memorandum of Understanding Between the Forest Service and the Forest. Service Council of the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE). This memorandum of understanding (MOU), signed by the Deputy Chief for Business Operations on April 25, 2002, sets out the policy regarding telecommuting applicable to bargaining unit employees.
MusicTechMag Choice Redaktionstipp
David Newman
Hollywood Film Composer: Ice Age, Scooby ....
The best thing I can say: 'it´s simply awesome!'. David Newman.
Best Service Forest Kingdom Ii User's Manual 2017
(Hunger Games, Snow White & the Huntsman, Batman Begins, King Kong...)
'The Forest Kingdom library has been an inspiring addition to my palette. The performance legato featured on the solo ethereal voice is programmed remarkably well and I´ve used a variety of the library´s sounds on several of my most recent film scores including Snow White and The Huntsman'
Mike Reagan, Composer for Film, TV, and Video Games
(Transformers, God of War series, Conan)
'Forest Kingdom is a giant leap forward for creating fantasy worlds with sonic integrity, intelligent scripting, and sheer musicality. A true gem! Thank you Eduardo, and Best Service!'
Alex Pfeffer
(Crysis 2, Stranglehold, HALO Legends, Sacred 2, Sarah Brightman, Gregorian, American Idol, America´s Got Talent)
'In case you ever wondered what Elves and Ents are dreaming about, it definitely must contain Forest Kingdom. Beautiful and stunning soundscapes from nature and the forest meet brilliant recorded and programmed ethnic instruments. Eduardo and Bestservice definitely created a sample library masterpiece!'
David Arkenstone
With 3 Grammy nominations, 20 Billboard hits, and millions of fans worldwide, David Arkenstone has established himself as one of the best contemporary instrumental musicians of our time. Arkenstone was also a member of the composing team who developed the music for Blizzard Activision´s World of Warcraft videogame´s Cataclysm expansion.
'Eduardo´s beautiful sample libraries enhance the spirit of my music. They are full of unique inspiration.'
'Eduardo has done it again. Forest Kingdom II is an incredible treasure of musical tools. From the detailed solo instruments, especially the drums, which I personally love, to the wonderful evolving landscapes and grooves, I always find inspiration when I begin exploring this unique addition to my music palette.'
Upgrade von der ersten Forest Kingdom Library auf Forest Kingdom II (Alle Forest Kingdom Instrumente sind komplett in Forest Kingdom II enthalten)
Dieses Upgrade kann nur aktiviert werden, wenn bereits Forest Kingdom (1) in Ihrem Account registriert ist.
Was ist neu bei Forest Kingdom II?
Viele Features wurden in Forest Kingdom II erheblich verbessert, wie „True Legato“, deutlich schnellere Ladezeiten, schonenderer Umgang mit dem RAM Speicher. Auch die ursprünglichen Patches wurden deutlich auf das Niveau der neuen Library aufgemöbelt.
Neben den vielen neuen Instrumenten, Patches, MIDI Grooves und Soundscapes ist der komplette Inhalt von Forest Kingdom (I) in der Library enthalten.
Neues im Detail:
- Über 100 neue, jetzt mehr als 300 Patches
- 7 neue begeisternde Blasinstrumente
- 21 neue Percussion Instrumente
- Eine wunderschöne Musicbox
- 300 inspirierende mächtige Multi-Track Performance MIDI Grooves, jeder über 30 Sekunden lang; das sind 3 ½ Stunden musikalische Inspiration
- 130 MIDI Files für Percussion Instrumente
- 70 neue Soundscapes
- Völlig neue graphische Bedienoberfläche
Dank des enthaltenen Best Service ENGINE 2 Sample Players haben Sie einfachen, und intuitiven Zugriff auf alle Parameter der Library.
Forest Kingdom II, pure inspiration
Amazona best buy
MusicTechMag Choice Redaktionstipp
David Newman
Hollywood Film Composer: Ice Age, Scooby ....
The best thing I can say: 'it´s simply awesome!'. David Newman.
(Hunger Games, Snow White & the Huntsman, Batman Begins, King Kong...)
'The Forest Kingdom library has been an inspiring addition to my palette. The performance legato featured on the solo ethereal voice is programmed remarkably well and I´ve used a variety of the library´s sounds on several of my most recent film scores including Snow White and The Huntsman'
Mike Reagan, Composer for Film, TV, and Video Games
(Transformers, God of War series, Conan)
Best Service Forest Kingdom Ii User's Manual Online
'Forest Kingdom is a giant leap forward for creating fantasy worlds with sonic integrity, intelligent scripting, and sheer musicality. A true gem! Thank you Eduardo, and Best Service!'
Alex Pfeffer
(Crysis 2, Stranglehold, HALO Legends, Sacred 2, Sarah Brightman, Gregorian, American Idol, America´s Got Talent)
'In case you ever wondered what Elves and Ents are dreaming about, it definitely must contain Forest Kingdom. Beautiful and stunning soundscapes from nature and the forest meet brilliant recorded and programmed ethnic instruments. Eduardo and Bestservice definitely created a sample library masterpiece!'
David Arkenstone
With 3 Grammy nominations, 20 Billboard hits, and millions of fans worldwide, David Arkenstone has established himself as one of the best contemporary instrumental musicians of our time. Arkenstone was also a member of the composing team who developed the music for Blizzard Activision´s World of Warcraft videogame´s Cataclysm expansion.
'Eduardo´s beautiful sample libraries enhance the spirit of my music. They are full of unique inspiration.'
'Eduardo has done it again. Forest Kingdom II is an incredible treasure of musical tools. From the detailed solo instruments, especially the drums, which I personally love, to the wonderful evolving landscapes and grooves, I always find inspiration when I begin exploring this unique addition to my music palette.'
Best Service Forest Kingdom Ii User's Manual 1
Best Service ENGINE 2 Sample Player ist in diesem Produkt enthalten!
Mac OS
- Mac OS 10.9 - 10.14
- empfohlene Mindestausstattung: Intel Mac 2GHz, 2GB Ram
- Interfaces: Standalone, AU und VST (alle 64bit )
- AAX Support für Pro Tools 11+
- Windows 7, 8 und 10, 32bit & 64bit
- empfohlene Mindestausstattung: Intel Core 2.0GHz, 2GB Ram
- Interfaces: Standalone und VST (32bit und 64bit )
- AAX Support für Pro Tools 11+
Best Service Forest Kingdom Ii User's Manual Free
für alle Systeme
- Internet Verbindung zur Produktaktivierung (auf beliebigem Computer möglich)
- der Library entsprechend freien Platz auf der Festplatte
Best Service Forest Kingdom Ii User's Manual Download
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