Hec-2 Water Surface Profiles User's Manual

HEC-2, Water Surface Profiles. User's Manual HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER DAVIS CA on Amazon.com.FREE. shipping on qualifying offers.

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BOSS HEC-2 makes it easy to compute water surface profiles for steady, gradually varied flow in both natural and man-made channels. BOSS HEC-2 is easy to learn and use. Menus, help screens, and professional documentation provide a comfortable user interface for both new and advanced users. Data input is performed through easy-to-use data entry screens with descriptive prompts. There is no longer any need to struggle with cumbersome, cryptic, error-prone card input files. This intuitive user interface allows the user to quickly define a model.

UserHec-2 water surface profiles user

BOSS HEC-2™ makes it easy to compute water surface profiles for steady, gradually varied flow in both natural and man-made channels. BOSS HEC-2, based on the industry-standard Corps of Engineers HEC-2 program, is the most advanced water surface profile program available for steady, gradually varied channel flow. Both subcritical and supercritical profiles can be computed. The program can account for backwater created by bridges, culverts, weirs, and other floodplain structures. The program can be used to evaluate floodway encroachments, identify flood hazard zones, manage floodplains, and design and evaluate channel improvements. Up to 14 water surface profiles with different discharges or initial water surface elevations can be analyzed at one time. The initial water surface elevations for each profile can be specified by the engineer, or they can be computed by the program.
BOSS HEC-2 can account for the following conditions:

  • Analysis of both subcritical and supercritical flow regimes
  • Bridge and culvert analysis and design
  • FHWA culvert routines
  • FEMA Floodplain and floodway encroachment modeling
  • Multiple profile computations
  • Levee overtopping

BOSS HEC-2 is easy to learn and use. Menus, help screens, and professional documentation provide a comfortable user interface for both new and advanced PC users. Data input is performed through easy-to-use data entry screens with descriptive prompts to enter and modify data. In addition, extensive context-sensitive help is provided to assist you through any modeling situation. This intuitive user interface (along with its underlying database engine and expert system) is generations ahead of existing editors which require the user to struggle with cumbersome, cryptic, error-prone input card files.

BOSS HEC-2 displays several graphs, including original and overlaid encroached cross-section plots, rating curves, water surface profile plots, overlaid profile summary plots, and 3-D river valley plots, allowing you to quickly evaluate the program’s results. The user can select all or just some of the graphs for output and let the software print the selected graphs one after another. In addition, cross-sections can be viewed graphically during data entry, allowing the user to quickly examine a cross-section’s geometry for input errors.

BOSS HEC-2 displays several graphs, including original and overlaid encroached cross-section plots, rating curves, water surface profile plots, overlaid profile summary plots, and 3-D river valley plots, allowing you to quickly evaluate the program’s results. The user can select all or just some of the graphs for output and let the software print the selected graphs one after another. In addition, cross-sections can be viewed graphically during data entry, allowing the user to quickly examine a cross-section’s geometry for input errors.
BOSS HEC-2 displays several graphs, including original and overlaid encroached cross-section plots, rating curves, water surface profile plots, overlaid profile summary plots, and 3D river valley plots.
BOSS HEC-2 includes the BOSS DIG™ (Device Independent Graphics) driver which allows the graphs to be printed on any supported laser printer, plotter, or dot-matrix printer. Or the graphs may be exported in any of several common graphic file formats, allowing you to import these graphs into many different CAD systems and word processors. The BOSS DIG driver also supports over 150 different display adapters, allowing you to view the graphs at the maximum resolution your display hardware supports.
BOSS HEC-2 graphics can be output to any supported laser printer, plotter, or dot-matrix printer. Or the graphs can be exported to AutoCAD, MicroStation, WordPerfect, or Microsoft Word.

Hec 1 User Manual

BOSS HEC-2, based on the industry-standard Corps of Engineers HEC-2 program, is the most advanced water surface profile program available for steady, gradually varied channel flow. Both subcritical and supercritical profiles can be computed. The program can account for backwater created by bridges, culverts, weirs, and other floodplain structures. The program can be used to evaluate floodway encroachments, identify flood hazard zones, manage floodplains, and design and evaluate channel improvements. Up to 14 water surface profiles with different discharges or initial water surface elevations can be analyzed at one time. The initial water surface elevations for each profile can be specified by the engineer, or they can be computed by the program. Multiple profiles can be shown plotted together, allowing the engineer to quickly compare profiles.BOSS HEC-2 allows multiple water surface profiles to be plotted together, allowing the engineer to quickly compare modeling results.
BOSS HEC-2, based on the industry-standard Corps of Engineers HEC-2 program, is the most advanced water surface profile program available for steady, gradually varied channel flow. Both subcritical and supercritical profiles can be computed. The program can account for backwater created by bridges, culverts, weirs, and other floodplain structures. The program can be used to evaluate floodway encroachments, identify flood hazard zones, manage floodplains, and design and evaluate channel improvements. Up to 14 water surface profiles with different discharges or initial water surface elevations can be analyzed at one time. The initial water surface elevations for each profile can be specified by the engineer, or they can be computed by the program. Multiple profiles can be shown plotted together, allowing the engineer to quickly compare modeling results.
The BOSS HEC-2 database engine allows any entered cross-section to be used as a template for defining new cross-sections. This vastly shortens the time required to enter a large model by allowing the user to define characteristic template cross-sections. These template cross-sections can then be quickly propagated up and downstream. Modifications to a template generated cross-section are easily made to take care of special conditions that may occur at a specific location. Also, the program simultaneously supports both imperial and metric (SI) units which allows the user to switch from one unit of measurement to the other at any time. For extra-large models, a 400 ground point per cross-section version of the program is available.

Hec-2 Water Surface Profiles User's Manual Software

Wherever you are in BOSS HEC-2, extensive context-sensitive help is available to assist you through any difficulty. And with over 700 pages of professional documentation, including illustrations, and completely described and worked out example problems, you can be productive immediately—even if you are a beginner.